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Artificial Intelligence and Date Analytics for Human Development. Separating facts from hype on where AI and data can genuinely help, and where it is a distraction

Autor: Buluswar, Shashi; Sathre, Roger; Sridhar, Pranav; Aluri, Rahul
Año: 2018
Tema: Agenda 2030
Tipo de documento: Publicación

In recent years, the rapidly growing presence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in virtually every aspect of life in the industrialized world has led to important questions on how AI can help achieve the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The conversations on AI in the context of human development are nascent, with many interesting ideas being proposed. However, the discussions to date have largely been abstract, with little specificity about where big data and AI can help. Indeed, we believe there is a significant knowledge gap between the AI community and the development community, which needs to be closed in order to separate fact from hype, and to ensure resources are dedicated to initiatives with a meaningful likelihood of impact.