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Resultados: 3

Advocacy toolkit. Influencing the Post-2015 Development Agenda.

Autor: Cutter, Amy; Fenn, Ian; Seath, Freya
Año: 2014
Tema: Agenda 2030
Tipo de documento: Publicación

The SD2015 partners have produced a toolkit for civil society and other stakeholder organisations, coalitions and individuals that wish to influence the post-2015 development agenda, including the design of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It aims to equip you with relevant information and tools to enable you to develop and implement an effective post-2015 advocacy strategy. You can either follow its step-by-step approach or simply consult the tips, tools and case studies most relevant to your existing activities.

Goal 16 Advocacy Toolkit. A practical guide for stakeholders for national-level advocacy around Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies

Autor: Rodrigues, Charmaine
Año: 2016
Tema: Agenda 2030
Tipo de documento: Publicación

Recognizing the critical importance of Goal 16, this toolkit provides civil society and other nongovernment stakeholders with guidance on how to engage with their governments and other local, regional or international stakeholders to support the planning, implementation, follow-up and accountability of Goal 16. Work is already underway to localize Goal 16 and its targets and indicators, and it is essential that nongovernment stakeholders actively engage with these processes. A key feature of the approach to SDG implementation will be to ensure that national development plans, actions and indicators of progress are specifically tailored to each national context. To ensure that the SDGs are truly ‘people-centred’, SDG implementation should not be top-down, but instead must be driven by partnerships and collaborations across all sectors and segments of society—including all levels of governments, civil society, the private sector, philanthropic institutions, the United Nations (UN) system and a wide range of other relevant stakeholders. To this end, this toolkit is intended to serve as a resource to support civil society actors at local and national levels to influence decision-making processes on specific plans and action related to Goal 16. Providing initial ideas and entry points for civil society action, the toolkit has a particular focus on supporting national civil society stakeholders in their efforts to influence local and national governments to work towards the achievement of Goal 16.

Informe de resultados de la Alianza del sector privado para promover la inclusión financiera en México

Autor: PNUD México
Año: 2022
Tema: Inclusión financiera
Tipo de documento: Publicación

La Alianza del sector privado para promover la inclusión financiera en México nace en 2020 a partir de la experiencia internacional del CEO Partnership for Economic Inclusion, liderado por la Reina Máxima de los Países Bajos. Esta es la primera asociación privada de alto nivel coordinada por una agencia del Sistema de Naciones Unidas en México y tiene como objetivo desarrollar modelos de negocio colaborativos que mejoren los resultados de las empresas integrantes de la iniciativa, a la par de promover la inclusión y salud financiera de la población mexicana.